25 Days of Christmas Sale
Make your holiday gift shopping easy and your gift giving unique, or use it yourself! We are offering 40% OFF OUR STANDARD FULL-SERVICE TOUR COST** for groups up to 3 PPL. ($318 total, or $106/person with 3 ppl.) up to 6 PPL. ($477 total, or $79.50/person with 6 ppl.), 12 ($99/person), or 21 persons ($99/person) - 7 hours tour - Full service Gift Certificate Purchases. All other group sizes from 6-21 persons receive the same 40% off.* All purchases of 7 or more persons are $99/PERSON. We will confirm your final costs before we process your gift certificate. Special requests are not allowed for groups of 6 persons or less.
Discounted services may be scheduled now (before January 5) or in GC format as a gift.
Just give us a call at 503-969-4370 or order by link below from December 12th - January 5th Annually and we will drop it in the mail. Applies to all December holidays. ALSO, applies to all our other tours as well.
(now that's armchair holiday shopping at it's best!!!!)
Code: "CHRISTMAS" (Present code with your "schedule your tour" request)
P.S.- By purchasing, you will also be automatically entered in our annual sweepstakes giveaway which takes place annually or biennially. Email Us or Call Phil at 503-969-4370 if you have any questions.
**Purchase does not include wine tasting fees, meals or any other expenses.
Make your holiday gift shopping easy and your gift giving unique, or use it yourself! We are offering 40% OFF OUR STANDARD FULL-SERVICE TOUR COST** for groups up to 3 PPL. ($318 total, or $106/person with 3 ppl.) up to 6 PPL. ($477 total, or $79.50/person with 6 ppl.), 12 ($99/person), or 21 persons ($99/person) - 7 hours tour - Full service Gift Certificate Purchases. All other group sizes from 6-21 persons receive the same 40% off.* All purchases of 7 or more persons are $99/PERSON. We will confirm your final costs before we process your gift certificate. Special requests are not allowed for groups of 6 persons or less.
Discounted services may be scheduled now (before January 5) or in GC format as a gift.
Just give us a call at 503-969-4370 or order by link below from December 12th - January 5th Annually and we will drop it in the mail. Applies to all December holidays. ALSO, applies to all our other tours as well.
(now that's armchair holiday shopping at it's best!!!!)
Code: "CHRISTMAS" (Present code with your "schedule your tour" request)
P.S.- By purchasing, you will also be automatically entered in our annual sweepstakes giveaway which takes place annually or biennially. Email Us or Call Phil at 503-969-4370 if you have any questions.
**Purchase does not include wine tasting fees, meals or any other expenses.